A large and impressive gold medal
Los 3832
IRAN, Pahlavis. Muhammad Reza Shah, AH 1320-1358 / AD 1941-1979. Medal (Gold, 42 mm, 49.80 g, 12 h), Aban AHS 1347 = 23 October - 21 November 1968. Crowned conjoined busts of the king and the queen to left; to right, ‘aʾlāhazrat homāyun Mohammad Rezā Pahlavi shāhanshāh āriyāmehr’ (‘His imperial majesty Muhammad Reza Pahlavi, King of Kings [and] the Sun of the Aryans’ in Persian); to left, ‘olyā hazrat Farah-e Pahlavi shahbānu-ye Irān’ (‘Her majesty Farah Pahlavi, the Queen of Iran’ in Persian); below, ‘ābān māh-e 1347’ (‘The month of Aban, 1347’ in Persian); hallmark: 121 MI, 900 [= 21 karat gold]. Rev. Coronation scene, with the queen kneeling before the standing king, right hands clasped; above, ‘yādbud-e yeksāle-ye tājgozari’ (‘first anniversary of coronation’ in Persian); below, ‘moʾassese-ye eʾtebāri-ye dāneshgāh’ (‘University Credit Institution’ in Persian). Some scratches and marks and with traces of mounting, otherwise, about extremely fine.

From the Asha & Ardeshir Dabestani Collection, formed over the past four decades.

Muhammad Reza Shah became king on 25 Shahrivar 1320 = 16 September 1941, but his coronation ceremony was held on 4 Aban 1346 = 26 October 1967.
250 CHF
3600 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 16-Jul-24, 13:56:30 CEST
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